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OwlCrowd VII: ASCE Steel Bridge Competition

$5,000 to support civil engineering

0 daysRemaining

The American Society of Civil Engineering holds an annual Steel Bridge competition among all of the student chapters representing their universities across the nation. Teams design and construct a bridge out of steel members, following the strict guidelines provided by the ASCE. The team builds the bridge on site and then piles it with different load cases to test the limits of the design. After the test phase, each team receives a grade based on the bridge’s aesthetic appeal, how much it can hold, and team efficiency.

The biggest challenge of this event is not the construction or testing of the bridge but finding the funding necessary to compete. Temple ASCE has great potential but needs your support. We need to purchase the steel in order to create the unique members based on our designs and hire an outside manufacturer to weld the members, since our team does not have access to weld in-house. Your support of our OwlCrowd project would fund this amazing project and allow us to participate in the national competition.

Donor Honor Roll

  • Alex Nichik
  • Santhoshini Yadav Boeni and Damodar Yada
  • John Stone
  • Barbara Marinelli